Teach to reason
Disciple to love
Main Campus
(405) 329-2500
3002 Broce Dr., Norman, OK 73072
Activity Center - Sports Complex
5300 North Interstate Drive
2 miles North of the Main Campus


Community Christian School Board:

Larry Shropshire (Chairman)
Scott Sturtz (Vice-Chairman)
Kristin Green (Treasurer)
Diana Stephens (Secretary)
LeeAnn Wimer (Emeritus)
Chris Apel
T. J. Van Dyke
Barbara Ohsfeldt (Principal)
Matt Cox (Assistant Administrator)
Mat McIntosh  (Athletic Director)

The School Board meets once per month during the school year. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend. Watch the Wednesday Memo for meeting dates and times.
Parents of currently enrolled children at CCS are members of the corporation, Community Christian School, Inc.  The by-laws of the corporation state:

Members:  Membership of Community Christian School shall consist of all parents/guardians, faculty and staff, and persons paying at least twenty-five (25%) of a student’s annual tuition.

As a corporation, an annual meeting is held each year in May for the purpose of electing Board Members, voting on revision to the by-laws, and hearing the administrator’s report regarding the past year, with projections for the year to come.

Qualifications:  Each member of the Board of Directors shall be a member of CCS and shall be known as a professing and exemplary Christian, who practices regular church attendance, Bible reading, and prayer.  Nominees to the CCS school board must have been a member of CCS for 12 months, and have attended 5 (five) regular session board meetings during the previous 12 months.  Each voting member shall enroll his/her children in Community Christian School, unless CCS does not provide a grade level or special needs for a child.

Nominations for a board position may be submitted in writing to the school office on or before the date published.  The nominating committee will review the qualifications of the nominee by questionnaire and interview.  The nominating committee will submit recommendations for nominees to the board.  The board will present approved nominees to the membership for a vote at the annual meeting.