Teach to reason
Disciple to love
Main Campus
(405) 329-2500
3002 Broce Dr., Norman, OK 73072
Activity Center - Sports Complex
5300 North Interstate Drive
2 miles North of the Main Campus

HS Course Sequence

9th Grade

English I
Oklahoma History – 1 semester
Geography – 1 semester
Bob Jones Algebra I, Saxon Algebra I or Geometry
Physical Science
Required electives - Choose one:
   Spanish I or Computers
Electives - Choose one full year or two semesters.
See 9th grade elective choices below.

10th Grade

English II
World History – 1 semester
Philosophy – 1 semester
Geometry, Saxon Algebra II, or Honors Algebra II (Teacher Recommendation)
Required electives - Choose one:
   Spanish II or Computers
Need 2 years of a foreign language OR 2 years of computers.
May have fulfilled computers in 8th/9th grade.
Electives - Choose one full year or two semesters.
See 10th grade elective choices below.

11th Grade

American Literature - English III or AP English Language & Composition (Teacher Recommendation)
US History
Chemistry or Honors Chemistry (Teacher Recommendation)
Saxon Algebra II, Honors Algebra II (Teacher Recommendation), Advanced Algebra or PreCalculus (Honors Alg II is prerequisite)
Electives - Choose a total of 4 semesters.
See 11th grade elective choices below.

12th Grade

British Literature - English IV or AP English Literature Composition (Teacher Recommendation)
American Government – 1 semester
Anatomy, Zoology, AP Chemistry (Honors Chem is prerequisite), or AP Physics (Teacher Recommendation and completed or be enrolled in
May choose a second science
History of World Views
Honors Algebra II, Advanced Algebra, PreCalculus (Honors Alg II is prerequisite), or AP Calculus (PreCalculus is prerequisite)
Electives - Choose a total of 3 semesters.

See 12th grade elective choices below.


For detailed descriptions of electives offered, please click here.

Required Elective Choices for 9th Grade: Full Year:
Computer Applications OR if already taken Computer Applications in the 8th grade:
Web Programming/Computer Science - Prerequisite: Computer Applications
Spanish I

Fine Arts Elective Choices (10th - 12th only in bold print:

AP Art: 2-D, 3-D, or Drawing - full year - (1 semester of art is prerequisite) by application and teacher recommendation only
Art - Drawing - May take only 1 semester
Art - Painting - May take only 1 semester
Art - Mixed Media - May take only 1 semester
Art - Sculpture - May take only 1 semester
Band - full year
Guitar - full year elective - students must supply guitar as prescribed by instructor
Home Design - 1 semester
Intro to Debate - 1 semester - 10th-12th Only
Media Productions - 1 semester - 10th - 12th only
Photography - 1 semester - 10th - 12th only
Political Science - 1 semester - 10th - 12th only
Psychology - 1 semester
Spanish I
Spanish II - Prerequisite: Spanish I
Spanish III - Prerequisite: Spanish II
Speech - 1 semester
Study Hall - 11th and 12th only - No credit earned - must have 5 homework classes or an AP class - not for concurrent enrollment students.
Teacher's Aide - 12th only - 1 semester or full year
Web Programming - Prerequisite: Computer Applications
Weight Training - Boys only - 1 semester or full year
Yearbook - 10th-12th Only - application required

Other Elective Choices:

Astronomy - 1 semester - 10th-12th only
Computer Science - 1 semester - 2nd semester only - Prerequisite: Web Programming
Culinary Arts - 1 semester - Prerequisite: Home Ec 1
Economics - 1 semester - includes personal financial literacy** - 10th - 12th only
Forensics - 1 semester
History of Sports - 1 semester
Home Economics 1 - 1 semester
Home Economics 2 - 1 semester - Prerequisite: Home Ec 1
Political Science - 1 semester - 10th - 12th only
Psychology - 1 semester
Spanish I
Spanish II - Prerequisite: Spanish I
Spanish III - Prerequisite: Spanish II
Speech - 1 semester
Study Hall - 11th and 12th only - No credit earned - must have 5 homework classes or an AP class - not for concurrent enrollment students.
Teacher's Aide - 12th only - 1 semester or full year
Web Programming - Prerequisite: Computer Applications
Weight Training - Boys only - 1 semester or full year

**Personal Financial Literacy is a requirement for graduation.

Dual Credit Classes:   AP (11th Grade) English Language & Composition, AP (12th Grade) English Literature & Composition, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, and History of World Views  -  Click here for more information on AP and Dual Credit classes.

Concurrent enrollment is allowed for juniors in the summer and seniors in the summer and/or during the school year. Check with high school advisor for eligibility and requirements. Click here for information concerning concurrent enrollment or email Mrs. Stephens at dstephens@ccsroyals.com.

Moore Norman Technology - Afternoon sessions are allowed for juniors and seniors. Apply in November for the following school year. Check with the high school advisor for eligibility and application.