Teach to reason
Disciple to love
Main Campus
(405) 329-2500
3002 Broce Dr., Norman, OK 73072
Activity Center - Sports Complex
5300 North Interstate Drive
2 miles North of the Main Campus

Special Dress Code Guidelines


Dress Code Guidelines 2024-2025

For Junior/Senior Banquet and Homecoming Nominees

No freshmen or sophomores, including outside guests, may attend JSB.


In the Scripture, we are enjoined to be modes.  Because modesty is open to subjective interpretation, the CCS administration and school board felt that specific guidelines were necessary to effectively communicate what CCS has determined to be appropriate attire for these events.


GIRLS: We will only approve dresses after alterations have been made to meet our dress code standards.


Full skirts – (pleated or gathered) should be no more than 4” above the knee when kneeling (standing on knees.)

Straight skirts/dresses - (have no fullness at the waist) must come to the top of the knee.

Slits in the skirts/dresses – Should not be higher than the top of the knee.


Dresses should have at least 1” ease on each side and should be loose enough to be comfortable while sitting.  They must flow from the hip and not be form-fitting.  No undergarment lines may be visible.


Transparent Fabrics – (see-through fabrics) do not fulfill the guideline requirements for modest covering unless fully lined.  (Flesh-colored fabric does not fulfill the lining criteriaLace and applique overlays must be solid and not see-through.)  Unlined material is acceptable for sleeves.  Stretch or cling fabrics (Lycra, spandex, etc.) may not be worn.  The dress should allow comfortable movement.


All dresses must have straps and hang from the shoulder.  NO STRAPLESS DRESSES.  No transparent or clear plastic straps.  Sleeveless dresses must be fitted around the arm to cover the upper chest and side modestly.


The back must be no lower than the normal line of the undergarment.  No cut-outs below the middle of the back, on the sides or front, without fabric covering those cut-outs.


No cleavage or exposure of any part of the breast when standing, sitting, reaching, or bending over.  At a minimum, the neckline should be no lower than the width of the palm of the hand from the collarbone.  Dresses should be checked while wearing the undergarments that will be worn with the dress.  Any fabric required to be added to fit these requirements must be SEWN into the dress before approval.


Dress shoes should be worn.  Rubber or plastic flip-flops or slides may not be worn.  Athletic shoes, casual tennis shoes such as Nike, Keds, or Vans, and Chacos or similar style sandals should not be worn.




All girls’ dresses must be approved by a CCS female administrator.  Any outside guests may call and schedule an appointment to have their dress approved.  Call (405) 329-2500, Option #2 to reach the HS office.


No freshman or sophomores may attend the banquet, including outside guests.  Any student bringing a guest to the Jr/Sr banquet who does not attend CCS must turn in an Outside Guest Application available at the high school desk.



Boys’ Dress Code Guidelines

For Homecoming Nominees and Junior/Senior Banquet



Suit, shirt, tie, dark socks, or socks that match the suit pants, OR, tuxedo.


Dress shoes should be worn.  Rubber or plastic flip-flops or slides may not be worn.  Athletic shoes, casual tennis shoes such as Nike, Keds or Vans, and Chacos or similar style sandals should not be worn.

No freshman or sophomores may attend the Jr/Sr banquet, including outside guests.

Any student bringing a guest to Jr/Sr banquet who does not attend CCS MUST turn in an Outside Guest Application available at the high school desk.