Social Studies Department
World History - One semester - Instructor: Mrs. Bell - A survey of history from 4000 B.C. to 1650 A.D. The course includes the study of Sumeria, Greece, Rome, the Early Church, the Renaissance, and the Reformation. Particular attention is given to the relationship of each of these time periods to each other and how they corporately lead to the idea of a New World. (A Beka/World History and Cultures)
Geography - One semester - Instructor: Coach Cox - This course is to instruct the student to be familiar with the way God made the world. To branch out and know of more places than just the country they live. Each continent and culture are studied, along with landforms and countries within each continent. (Bob Jones/Cultural Geography)
Oklahoma History - One semester - Instructor: Coach Cox - Covers the Trail of Tears to present day history. The students will understand our state heritage and how we were founded. Land runs, territorial disputes, and Indian culture will be covered. (OU Press/The Story of Oklahoma)
Philosophy - One semester - Instructor: Mr. Van Dyke - An overview of apologetics in reference to the Christian religion. The course includes discussion of philosophy in general and Epistemology. Particular interest is given to the existence of God, authority of Scripture, problem of evil, and creation versus evolution.
American History - Instructor: Mrs. Bell - United States history is to instruct the student in what led up to the founding of America and what America has endured through the years to make them the country that they are today. From the nation's founding and background, to our War for Independence, to the Civil War which tore the nation apart. This course is to make them aware of what was done for this country to help them have a better understanding of where they come from and where we might be had things not happened. (Bob Jones/United States History)
Economics w/financial planning- One semester - Instructor: Coach Cox - Students will be introduced to the basics of economics including: Supply and demand, cost of production, microeconomics and macroeconomics, benefits of free enterprise, and the global economy. This course also offers a survey of retail marketing for the purpose of exposing students to small and large companies and how they compete in the business world. Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Plan will also be included and will meet the OK State Department of Education's requirement for personal financial literacy.
History of World Views - Instructor: Mr. Van Dyke - A study of the history of ideas that have shaped and continue to shape the world. The course includes a survey of philosophy from the Pre-Socratic philosophers to modern philosophers such as Nietzsche, Sarte, and Derrida. Particular attention is given to understanding the concept of worldview and how it influences personal life.
American Government - One semester - Instructor: Mrs. Bell - An historical survey of the development of the government of the United States of America. Particular interest will be given to the original documents of America with the attempt of understanding what they say, what they mean, and how we should respond to them. (Bob Jones/American Government)