Teach to reason
Disciple to love
Main Campus
(405) 329-2500
3002 Broce Dr., Norman, OK 73072
Activity Center - Sports Complex
5300 North Interstate Drive
2 miles North of the Main Campus

Scholarships and Grants

Oklahoma Promise 2024-2025  Applicants must be Oklahoma residents, 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th grade students, parents' federal adjusted gross income does not exceed $60,000.

Please remember to check out the free scholarship search websites listed on the Free Scholarship Search Page.


 June 2025


Dr. Kerry Evans is a medical doctor based in Texas.  He wants to help the next generation of science professionals in the United States, and would like to give back through the “Dr Kerry Evans Scholarship for Sciences”. This scholarship is available for students in the United States who are currently enrolled in a university to study science.  The scholarship is meant to help a deserving student with scholarship funding who wishes to become a professional in the sciences.


 Here is some brief information about our scholarship: 



All of the details and criteria can be found on our page:

