Teach to reason
Disciple to love
Main Campus
(405) 329-2500
3002 Broce Dr., Norman, OK 73072
Activity Center - Sports Complex
5300 North Interstate Drive
2 miles North of the Main Campus


Please scroll down for game schedules.

Click here for more CCS Royals Baseball News and Events!

Royals HS Baseball - Cole King Royals HS Baseball - Boyce McIntosh Royals HS Baseball - Kooper Hartsock CCS Royals Baseball - Kaden Boyd



OSSAA Home Page

All home baseball games are held at the Chas Harding Memorial Field, 5300 N. Interstate Drive, Norman, OK.  This complex is located 2 miles north of the main campus on the west side of I-35 between Indian Hills and Tecumseh. 
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Middle School Baseball Coach:
Tim Price 

High School Baseball Coach:
Mike Hinckley